Gratis Bücher Dreamland, by Sarah Dessen
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Dreamland, by Sarah Dessen
Gratis Bücher Dreamland, by Sarah Dessen
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"It's not only the plot that's vivid; the characters are also intensely real. Another pitch-perfect offering from Dessen." (Booklist, starred review)
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Sarah Dessen is the author of thirteen novels, which include the New York Times bestsellers The Moon and More, What Happened to Goodbye, Along for the Ride, Lock and Key, Just Listen, The Truth About Forever, and This Lullaby. Her first two books, That Summer and Someone Like You, were made into the movie How to Deal. Dessen’s books are frequently chosen for the Teens’ Top Ten list and the list of Best Fiction for Young Adults. They have been translated into twenty-five languages. Sarah Dessen is the recipient of the 2017 Margaret A. Edwards Award from the Young Adult division of the American Library Association. Sarah Dessen graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with highest honors in creative writing. She lives in Chapel Hill with her husband, Jay, and their daughter, Sasha Clementine. Visit Sarah at
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 272 Seiten
Verlag: Speak (11. Mai 2004)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0142401757
ISBN-13: 978-0142401750
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 12 - 15 Jahre
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 1,8 x 21,1 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.2 von 5 Sternen
8 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 193.896 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
I ordered "This Lullaby" primarily because I had read another book, "Dreamland", by Sarah Dessen before which was very good. However, this one was even better!!! It's the story of Remy, an eighteen-year-old high school graduate with a reputation for drinking and sleeping around (which doesn't make her any less likable, though), and her three best friends - Lissa, Jess, and Chloe. It's that last summer before college, and the last thing Remy is looking for is a relationship. A summer fling, no strings attached, so she can breeze out scot-free (as she calls it) by the end of August - that's what she had in mind. Because Remy does not believe in love ... how could she? Her mother is just about to get married for the fifth time, and the only thing her father left her is a song in which he says that he will let her down. When Remy meets Dexter, a singer and hopeless optimistic, she is torn for the first time. Can people really be meant for each other? Is love a risk worth taking? Or will everyone eventually let you down, thus meaning that breaking up with someone before you can grow too attached is the best way to go about life? Dealing with Dexter, her friends' joys and pains, her brother's stuck-up girlfriend, and her latest stepfather isn't easy ... but as Remy watches her mother's courageous optimism in the face of yet another crumbling marriage she makes a decision that will change her life forever.The author truly understands what young people go through, and how difficult it sometimes is to take a step, however small, even when you know that it is the right one. A great book, one I will definetely read again and again!!!
What sounds like an easy and rather unsepectacular story is simply the best book I ever read. Sarah Dessen is a very talented writer and has written a lot of lovely books, but this one is definitely the best!
Gold Star Award Winner!Sarah Dessen's THIS LULLABY is one of the best teen books I've ever read. It's the story of Remy, a girl who has no faith in love. Part of this is because her own father never even saw her, only wrote a now-famous song, called "This Lullaby," about her before he died. It certainly doesn't help that her mother has been married four times, and, at the beginning of the novel, is about to have her fifth wedding. Remy says about her mother's marriages, "She takes on husbands the way other people change their hair color: out of boredom, listlessness, or just feeling that this next one will fix everything, once and for all."Remy likes to feel in control of things when she's got a boyfriend. She knows all about getting into relationships, the first romantic rush, and ending them before there's any emotional attachment. She's almost always the one to dump guys, not the other way around. She's got plenty of practice at it, too.One day, at the car dealership owned by her mother's next husband, she meets a guy named Dexter. He's very determined to get to know Remy, and, at first, she thinks he's ridiculous and ignores him. Dexter, however, is persistent. When the two finally get together, everyone is shocked that Remy's staying in the relationship. Dexter is so many things Remy could never put up with. He's messy and impulsive, but, most of all, he's a musician. Until Dexter came along, Remy had a "no musician" rule, and now she's broken it.Signs point to Remy ending this relationship and not looking back. Everyone thinks that's what will happen. Everyone except Dexter, who wants it to be more than a summer thing, who has faith in their relationship. How will it all end?This is an amazing young adult book by a brilliant author. Sarah Dessen, author of several other books including THAT SUMMER and SOMEONE LIKE YOU, does an awesome job of keeping the reader's attention throughout THIS LULLABY. She does it with her original story, told in Remy's unique voice. It doesn't hurt that Sarah Dessen is great at creating fresh, original, believable characters. Thoughtful and powerful, this book also has its moments that will make readers laugh, which is a nice change of pace in the story. Every aspect of this novel surpasses expectations.Reviewed by: Jocelyn Pearce
Caitlin lebt in ihrer eigenen Welt, weil die Realität zu hart ist, um mit ihr klar zu kommen. Sie wacht erst auf, als es beinahe schon zu spät ist.Wer anfängt DREAMLAND zu lesen, begibt sich bald auf eine Reise, die er lange nicht vergessen wird.Wie üblich schafft Sarah Dessen es, aufzurütteln und mitzureißen. Sie spricht Tabu-Themen mit Herz und sehr gefühlvoll an. Und auch wenn man vielleicht nicht das selbe erlebt hat wie die Protagonistin, so sieht man die Welt doch auf einmal mit anderen Augen.Nach der letzten Seite von DREAMLAND wacht nicht nur Caitlin sondern auch der Leser auf - Illusion verschwindet und zurück bleibt nur eine harte Wahrheit. Und dennoch bleibt immer die Hoffnung.Wunderschön.
Ich habe dieses Buch nun schon länger und trotzdem steht es selten im Bücherregal.Denn es gehört zu den wenigen Büchern, die ich so gerne mag, dass ich sie immer wieder lesen kann, ohne enttäuscht zu werden.Allerdings lese ich es mittlerweile seltener, was wohl am Alter liegen mag - es ist nunmal ein Jugendbuch, aber ein sehr gutes!Die genaue Beschreibung der Situation und der Interaktion der einzelnen Personen macht die Geschichte sehr glaubhaft - es passt einfach alles zusammen. Man kann jede Handlung der Protagonistin Caitlin nachvollziehen, die einen sonst noch so kurious vorkommen würde, weil man selbst in die Welt eintauchen kann.Außerdem liebe ich den Stil, in der die Autorin schreibt.
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